Managing your Employee’s Annual Leave Requirements


Managing your Employee’s Annual Leave Requirements

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Being able to take annual leave is essential for keeping your employees healthy, happy and productive. However, with Coronavirus restrictions still in place in Ireland and across the world, limiting opportunities to travel, it may be the case that many of your employees haven’t taken their full allocation of annual leave.

As we reach the end of 2021, your employees may find that they need to take all their unused days before the new year. You may be wondering how you’ll run your business without your full complement of staff. Alternatively, they may be coming to you to see if they can carry over their unused annual leave into 2022. If this isn’t something you usually allow, you could have some difficult decisions to make.

In this article, we’ll look at how annual leave works in Ireland and how you can best manage your staff’s annual leave requirements at this time of year.

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